Ineo Sense integrates the competitiveness cluster SCS http://www.pole-scs.org/. This renowned European pole allows Ineo-Sense establishing strategic partnerships with European manufacturers. Certified World Competitiveness Cluster in July 2005 and Regional Joint Innovation and Economic Development Cluster (PRIDES) in 2007, the SCS cluster brings together players in the field of microelectronics, software, telecommunications, services and uses of Information and Communications Technologies (ITC). The emergence of ICTs brings with it a huge potential for innovation, services and uses. From the end user viewpoint, this field must be based on integrated, user-friendly and interoperable solutions that ensure straightforward, reliable and secure functionalities.
- “Solutions” to meet requirements based on technological expertise.
- “Communicating” indicates the nature of the objects, systems and services concerned, with networking for actions that infer communication, cooperation and transaction.
- “Secured” underscores a key requirement of today’s information business: the protection of information and privacy.
In addition to its role as federator of innovative collaborative projects, the SCS Cluster offers a whole range of customized services for its members: development of equity, access to testing platforms, tailored intelligence service, training sessions on various subjects (intellectual property, group agreements, raising equity, etc.), preparing to go to market, establishing relations with prospective customers and partners, international development (participation in trade fairs, partnership missions) and so on.